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To get started with folder items, run the script nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS. This script will automatically create folder items that match the length of items inside any folder in your project. You can then use the other scripts to manipulate these folder items. It's recommended to add this script as a startup action so that it runs every time you open Reaper. You could also add it to your toolbar or assign it to a hotkey so you can toggle it on and off.

nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS - Settings

This script allows you to customize the behavior of the other scripts in the FOLDER_ITEMS collection. If you create a new preset, the current preset will be saved with the project, so you can have different settings for different types of projects and they will be loaded automatically when you open the project.

Which script should I use to create Folder Items?

While nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS is the recommended way to create folder items, there are a couple of other options that might work for your specific workflow.

  • nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS: This script updates the folder items of the entire project each time you make a change. It creates markers and regions if you have those enabled. It also does things like automatically selecting children items when you select a folder item and in the future automatically selected tracks when you select items (just added this). It uses the settings in "nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS - Settings" to determine what to do. It's the most advanced of the 3 scripts and the recommended one to use.

  • nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS - Update (Manual): This script is the same as the above script except it doesn't automatically update the folder items. You have to run it manually. Recommended for use on extremely large projects where you might have performance issues with the automatic updating. It also doesn't have the automatic selection features but if you still want those you can have nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS running uncheck the Folder Items -> Enable checkbox in the settings.

  • nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS - Add new items to existing folder: This is the most minimal script. It only adds new items to the folder track you have selected or the parent track of the items you have selected. If you have a time selection and no items selected it will only create folder items in the parent track that are within the time selection. If you use this, it can work well as either a hotkey or a track double-click mouse modifier. It doesn't create markers and isn't aware of item numbers outside of the current selection. Recommended if you want full control over where your folder items are created and want to keep your project as tidy as possible.

Known Issues

  • Collapsing tracks with the default Reaper buttons/actions will not group collapsed items with their folder items unless you use the experimental automatic grouping feature
  • Big names setting doesn't make folder items name very big on retina displays


Show changelog


  • Performance improvements


  • Render: handle switching between projects while script is open
  • Reposition script accepts comma key for decimal when not focused
  • New keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+N to toggle numbering on/off in rename script


  • Crash when selecting markers/regions in rename script


  • Crash from ReaPack update not removing old files


  • Improving performance of render script


  • Adding persistent mode to rename script
  • Adding persistent mode to render script


  • Projects with render settings not set to render with items could cause render item mismatch popup when loading the script
  • Crash when renaming from the results table directly in the rename script
  • New option to add custom UCS user categories in preferences


  • Fixing bug introduced in 2.8.2 where item settings were getting saved before rendering
  • Backwards compatibility for SWS 2.14 functions since it's still in beta
  • Compatibility with updated nvk_PROPAGATE script
  • Possible fix for crash when adding markers with nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS


  • Fixing unnecessary undo points when using mousewheel volume script (requires nvk_SHARED v1.1.0)


  • Improvements to mousewheel pitch shift behavior. Items on the same track that don't overlap will now use the non-column pitch shift


  • Possible fix for script rendering certain sets of items in multiple groups when not necessary
  • Stats
  • Render SMART: Tail on/off setting not reset properly when closing the script without rendering
  • Rename: new option to rename track in addition to items
  • Rename: new items options - tracks, markers, regions


  • Crash when using normal render script


  • Dependencies moved to nvk_SHARED
  • Improved render item selection
  • New render settings: format and bit depth (can be set per item too)
  • Deprecated "Show preferences in main window" option
  • Join items were not being removed from render list and rename list
  • Crash in rename script when no items or tracks selected


  • Folder items crash when tracks deleted in larger projects


  • Updating to ReaImGui v9
  • Better crash handling


  • Non-active but hidden item lanes could create folder items
  • Folder items could crash when switching between projects with a large number of items immediately after making a change


  • Fixed: rename script allows for naming conventions with multiple numbers at the end of the name i.e. "My Sound_01_01"


  • Fixed: crash when using join script with default color track


  • New script: Join - Joins selected folder items into a single folder item by creating a new empty item in a new track in the folder.


  • Fixed: folder tracks with multiple nested folder tracks could have their depths altered when rendering a sausage item from one of the nested folder track parents
  • Script UI is now resizable and settings is a popup window (old settings tab can still be enabled with shortcut for now, but will probably remove later)
  • Greatly improved UI performance when using scripts with thousands of items (rename, render)
  • Fixed rename track after folder creation not working properly


  • Fixed: experimental automatic item grouping not grouping nested folders properly
  • Fixed: repositioning scripts and hidden tracks
  • New scripts for cut/copy/paste to handle v7 hidden tracks option
  • Additional subproject markers settings
  • Notes from first item used for sausage files now usable for $itemnotes wildcard and metadata
  • Notes can now be added to folder items if 'big names' and 'render settings in notes' are not enabled


  • Fixed: console logging during use of reposition script (whoops!)
  • Fixed: divide by zero error when percentage is set to 0 in reposition script


  • Trial improvements


  • Fixed: Sample rate not being set properly when using loopmaker on a project with use project sample rate enabled


  • Fixed: new option for repositioning across tracks button (right-click to ignore tracks)


  • New wildcard for render directory: $projectrenderdirectory (will use the project render directory instead of custom preset directory, essentially the same behavior as the default tab)


  • Fixed: when copying files, if the user selected the option to number different versions, instead of replacing then only the first file would be copied


  • Fixed: issue with certain keyboard shortcuts not working after opening preferences


  • Theme import not working on Windows


  • Shared code fix for duplicate takes bug
  • Adding option to import/export themes and global themes for imgui scripts


  • Refactoring debugging code


  • Fixed: bug with imgui scripts where main action could be run twice


  • Fixed: function in folder items caused crash in subprojects


  • Fixed: possible crash on load with certain machines


  • User-assignable keyboard shortcuts for scripts
  • Fixing incorrect positioning with repositioning script when using frames while groups are enabled
  • Reposition across tracks setting added to reposition script
  • Rename script now removes number from end of name when it's loaded regardless of remove extensions setting
  • New shortcut to rename items/track with Ctrl+Enter. The first item track will be renamed to the new name without numbers appended.
  • UI improvements and additional options for reposition script
  • Fixed reposition presets not working
  • Improved behavior when selecting child items with folder items (affects editing scripts and main folder items script)
  • Fixed: offline authorization not working properly for v2


  • Support for takes settings
  • Increasing font size on reposition script
  • Fixing crash with certain folder item names


  • Improvement: numbering no longer increments on numbers followed by non-separator characters i.e "Loop_120bpm" will not increment but "Loop_01" or "Loop_01_Start" will


  • Reposition: added option to reposition using frames


  • Settings: Track selection follows item selection -- added as an option since 3rd-party scripts that create unnecessary undo points can cause issues
  • Experimental: automatic grouping of items to allow default Reaper actions to be used for collapsing folder tracks. Note: this will disable the ability to manually group/ungroup items.
  • Settings: improving naming of settings


  • Fixed: number restart 'Always' setting not working properly
  • Changing name of 'Render directory' to 'Project renders folder name' for clarity
  • Adding setting to copy items above or below the video track (any track named video)
  • Fixed: crash when invalid name for 'Project renders folder name' setting


  • Fixed: script blocked from rendering when items selected without a file name
  • Fixed: copy directories could use incorrect project path when using relative paths and multiple project tabs
  • Fixed: copy directories crash when using relative paths with unsaved project


  • Settings: New and improved options for editing scripts
  • Config options in mousewheel pitch shift now editable in settings
  • Overshoot fade envelopes now disabled by default and can be enabled in settings
  • Renamed option for creating volume envelopes on folder items with fades to 'Volume envelope'
  • Option for how folder item fades affect children (child latch)
  • Minimum fade length setting can now be set to smaller amounts (and also properly affects fade lengths now)


  • Fixed: pitch scripts not as responsive as they should be
  • Fixed: numbering issues with certain name formats
  • Fixed: renaming after creation of folder items selecting all items
  • Fixed: add new items to existing folder script broken due to function name change
  • Fixed: selecting UCS category with arrow keys returned incorrect category in rename script


  • Improvement: Mousewheel pitch shift now only creates single undo point
  • Rename: manually adding underscore/hyphen at the end of the name will now not get replaced
  • Rename: separator option added to specify what character to use for separating name and number
  • Reposition: change time with mousewheel over input box
  • Settings: new options for overshoot volume envelopes on fades
  • Fixed: crash when using clean up renders option with track in renders folder selected


  • Fixed: Deselect non-folder items still not working properly with nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS.lua when used with a hotkey and a single folder item selected


  • Numpad Enter now works as enter key for scripts with UI
  • Fixed: Remove script not working with hidden tracks
  • Can specify paths relative to the project location in copy directories
  • Fixed: Deselect non-folder items not working properly with nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS.lua when used with a hotkey
  • Replacing top-level folder items only settings with drop down
  • New hotkeys for repositioning script
  • Fixed: the first time you tab in the reposition script it correctly focuses the time input
  • Fixed: bugs with repositioning script when using hotkeys while changing preset name


  • Fixed: Renaming reposition presets bug


  • Fixed: Crash when opening repositioning script the first time with items selected


  • Reposition presets: create repositioning presets with the Reposition script and assign them to hotkeys with the preset scripts!


  • Fixed: Incorrect display of leading zeros when switching tabs in folder items settings


  • Fixed: Trim scripts not working properly on takes with playrate changes


  • Improved: better handling of multiple numbers in item names
  • Add new items to existing folder script now compatible with v2 user settings
  • Fixed: Mouse modifier to toggle track visibility not grouping items properly with new "hidden" track setting
  • Fixed: Trim scripts not working properly with hidden tracks in Reaper 7


  • Fixed: item colors not changing region colors properly in certain situations
  • Fixed: crash when adding new items to a folder track with certain region color settings
  • Fixed: grouping items not working properly with the new "hidden" track setting in Reaper 7
  • Fixed: unable to select regions in region render matrix with certain region color settings
  • Added: Add new items to existing folder no longer removed


  • Fixing more bugs and improving features


  • Removing icons so they can be separately synced with nvk_ICONS from ReaPack.


  • Rename script style improvements


  • Fix for error when opening rename script with no tracks or items selected


  • Updating renaming script with a bunch of new features


  • Render SMART release. Re-doing settings and allowing for per-project settings.



  • New version of Render SMART (v2 beta), new rename advanced and reposition scripts (also in beta)


  • New version of Render SMART beta


  • Beta of Render SMART v2 (make sure you have ReaImgui and Reaper 6.64 to test), removing experimental render script


  • All Caps setting for rename, minor improvements, new experimental render script for testing


  • Minor fixes, rename settings now stored with project, item colors enabled for markers now properly display for variations


  • Better fix for buffer error, new scripts: Shuffle pitch shift selected items SMART, Random pitch shift selected items +- 2 semitones


  • Fix for error after leaving render smart script open for a while


  • Render Smart improvements:
    • New option to copy rendered files to additional folders after rendering
    • Can select different render folder or file name pattern
    • Advanced options to rename copied files with lua string patterns
    • Render as Source - renders into user set source folder and can copy above track for immediate use
    • Fix for items without takes (thanks Luca!)
    • Fix for incompatibility with MB_Superglue regions and nvk_FOLDER_ITEMS


  • Quick fix for issue with folder items and duplicating folder items with drag action


  • New Mousewheel volume script, licensing improvements, trial


  • Improving responsiveness of folder items, fixing bug with fade automation due to different envelope volume scaling settings


  • Licensing improvements


  • Folder Items optimization pass. Settings load instantly, item numbering persists throughout track. Everything is more responsive and uses less cpu. No cpu use during playback or record. Fix for rename items text getting cut off on high resolution displays Pitch shift scripts no longer create undo points if nothing has changed


  • Fixing error if folder created on last track of project


  • When rendering sausage items sith $track, names weren't being properly applied


  • Don't update folder items during playback or recording


  • Fixing bug with reposition groups script and snap offsets


  • New organization scripts


  • Licensing improvements


  • Double click on pooled midi items now opens midi editor


  • Licensing improvements


  • Better handling of automatic folder item creation naming with different name schemes. Minor fixes to rename script.


  • Fix cursor issue in folder items textboxes. Fixing occasional bug with fade in/out scripts and auto-crossfaded items


  • Minor fixes, Delete key now works in rename items


  • New setting to add markers for variations, better error handling, fixing issue for user that have updated without opening the settings script, appended number setting not working properly when rendering sausage items, fixing markers and regions updating every loop (performance improved)


  • Adding back OG Add new items to existing folder - Rename script. Minor fixes


  • New Render SMART UI and options, moving render settings that were previously in settings script to tab in render script. Fixing bug when adding or deleting folder items with markers enabled Toggling track visibility works better with muted groups or collapsed tracks


  • Rename script now works with text (empty) items Fixing issue with grouping nested collapsed folders with doubleclick mouse modifiers New setting 'Folder Items - Disable': if you don't want to automatically create and fix folder items but still want to automatically select them (also disables markers) New setting 'Markers - Regions': Automatically create regions for sets of folder items instead of markers New setting 'Markers - Subproject markers: Create markers for subprojects' Validate input with reposition groups Render SMART now allows you to render into your project folder and still copy the media source to the Renders folder All render settings saved with items now, no longer written in item notes, setting name changed Fixing crash when opening subprojects with regions


  • Select folder items after creating new folder, Rename script takes into account 'name in notes' setting, allow for non-numbered folder item names, better handling of non-named folder items


  • Fixing bug which caused snap offsets to be removed by some scripts, adding reverse direction mousewheel scripts