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Created for game audio

nvkThe scripts on are entirely focused around the specific needs of game audio. They have been tested by game audio professionals around the world and have been used to ship dozens of titles. They are designed to be intuitive, efficient, and flexible enough to fit your workflow, no matter how complex it may be.

By a sound designer

nvkEvery script on was created by Nick von Kaenel, a sound designer and audio director with over a decade of experience in game audio. With this experience comes a deep understanding of the needs of game audio professionals. His combined passion for Reaper and improving workflows has led to the creation what he hopes are the best Reaper scripts for game audio.


nvkWhat began as a personal endeavor eventually grew into a free offering to the game audio community. The growing demand for specialized features and support led to the inception of Since then, has grown steadily, with new scripts and features being added regularly.


nvkThe goal of is to help others in the game audio community by providing tools that make their lives easier. Through the use of these tools, sound designers can spend less time on tedious tasks and more time on the creative aspects of their work. The positive feedback from the community has been overwhelming and is what drives forward.